Buyer Accepts ?

Buyer accepts the product using the criteria specified in the Escrow Instructions.


Buyer and Seller Agree in principal

Buyer and Seller determine details of transaction, such as price, delivery methods, time tables, acceptance criteria and dispute resolution process.


Buyer and Seller sign documents

Buyer and Seller each sign and return a copy of the escrow instructions.


Buyer Receives product

Buyer receives product and notifies Escrow. Escrow Notifies Seller that product has arrived.


Buyer sends clear funds

Clear funds requires either Wire transfer, or a hold until the receiving bank confirms funds received.


Close Escrow

Escrow releases funds to the Seller and closes the Escrow.


Dispute Resolution

Depending on the agreement. Can include; Returning the product and paying return costs, arbitration, or adjudication.


Maintain contact

Seller notifies Escrow of shipping information. Escrow notifies Buyer of shipment enroute.


Open Escrow

Escrow receives deposit and agreed upon transaction details.


Prepare Escrow Instructions

Escrow prepares instructions specifying the terms of the agreement.


Provide Initial deposit

Buyer and Seller submit funds to cover escrow costs.


Receive Remaining funds

Clear funds requires either Wire transfer, or a hold until the receiving bank confirms funds received.


Receive Signed Escrow Instructions

Escrow receives deposit and agreed upon transaction details.


Seller receives payment

Seller receives the agreed upon payment.


Seller ships product

Escrow notifies the Seller to ship the product. Seller ships the product using the agreed upon method.


Receive Transaction Details

Buyer and/or Seller communicate to Escrow the details of the transaction; by Webpage, Email, Phone or in person.


Receive Initial Deposit

Buyer and/or Seller provide check or wire transfer to cover escrow fees and any agreed upon up front money.


Unsigned Escrow Instructions

Escrow Instructions are Emailed, faxed or mailed as agreed to both parties.


Signed Escrow Instructions

Each party signs a copy of the escrow instructions and returns them to Escrow by Mail, Fax or by scanning and Emailing them.


Notify Seller to ship

Escrow notifies the Seller to ship the product; by Phone and/or Email.


Seller Notifies Escrow

Seller notifies Escrow that the product has shipped, and if possible provides tracking information. Notification should be by Email, Fax, or Phone.


Buyer Notifies Escrow

Buyer notifies Escrow that the product has been received by Email, Fax or Phone.


Buyer Inspects Product

Buyer inspects the product, within the agreed upon timeframe and specifications.


Buyer notifies Product Accepted

Buyer confirms acceptance of the product within the time period specified; by Email, Fax, or Phone.


Buyer Rejects Product

Buyer Notifies Escrow that the product is Rejected; By Phone, Email, or Fax.


Seller Proceeds

Seller proceeds are mailed as a Check, unless another option has been previously arranged.